Gozo Region and Gozitan Local Councils Collaborate to Host Transformative Summer Camp for Ukrainian Children

 In a heartwarming display of international solidarity, the Gozo Regional Council, in partnership with several Gozitan Local Councils, proudly announces the successful organization of a summer activity camp tailored for a group of children aged 11 to 14, coming from affected regions in Ukraine. This noteworthy initiative, sanctioned by the esteemed European Committee of the Regions and the Association of Ukrainian Cities, stands as a beacon of hope for children affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The primary objective of this initiative is to extend a compassionate hand to these young souls who have endured the ravages of war in their homeland. Under the aegis of the European Committee of the Regions and the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the Gozo Regional Council, along with dedicated support from Gozitan Local Councils, has fully funded a respite in the form of a 7-day summer camp in Gozo. This serves as an avenue to not only provide these children with a welcome reprieve from the distressing circumstances they face but also to offer vital psychological support to stabilise their emotional well-being. The program strives to facilitate their transition away from the trauma of war and towards a brighter future.

At its core, the initiative aspires to create a haven of safety and normality for these young participants. Through a structured daily routine, they are granted the opportunity to regain their sense of confidence and optimism. The goal is to help them rediscover a semblance of normality while nurturing a renewed sense of belonging within the European community. With a focus on outdoor activities, sports, and rehabilitation exercises, the summer camp takes a holistic approach to improving both the physical and mental health of the participants.

In addition to these enriching activities, the camp includes an exciting element of exploration as the children embark on sightseeing ventures in the picturesque surroundings of Gozo. This promises to be an avenue for cultural exchange and a chance for these young visitors to create lasting memories in a new and unfamiliar setting.

The president of the region, Dr Samuel Azzopardi commented: “Hosting these young Ukrainian citizens is testimony to the European values our region Gozo and its residents stand for. We are behind the Ukrainian people in this period of strife and war on European soil. Our local councils’ commitment to this shows the strong values engrained in our communities.”

9 Local Councils from the Gozo Region participated in this initiative. Moreover the councils funded catering for the 11 youths. The Local Councils that participated in this initiative are Rabat Città Victoria,  Għajnsielem, Għarb, Għasri, Kerċem, Munxar, Qala, San Lawrenz and Żebbuġ. Each council showed the youths around their perspective locality and organised fun activities such as swimming, games and even tours around the island. Furthermore, the youths were given souvenirs of Malta by the Malta Tourism Authority and the Gozo Tourism Authority.

The Gozo Regional Council and the supporting Gozitan Local Councils express their heartfelt gratitude to the European Committee of the Regions and the Association of Ukrainian Cities for making this impactful initiative a reality. This collaborative effort extends a helping hand to those in need and exemplifies the potential of global partnerships to bring about positive change.

Reġjun Għawdex u l-Kunsilli Lokali Għawdxin jospitaw grupp ta’ żgħażagħ Ukreni għal-kamp transformattiv tas-sajf.

F’wirja ta’ qalb ta’ solidarjetà internazzjonali, il-Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex, bi sħab ma’ diversi Kunsilli Lokali Għawdxin, iħabbar l-organizzazzjoni b’suċċess ta’ kamp ta’ attivitajiet tas-sajf imfassal apposta għal grupp ta’ tfal ta’ bejn il-11 u l-14-il sena, li ġejjin minn reġjuni milquta fl-Ukrajna. Din l-inizjattiva notevoli, sanzjonata mill-Kumitat Ewropew tar-Reġjuni u l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bliet Ukreni, hija xempju ta’ tama għat-tfal milquta mill-kunflitt li għaddej fl-Ukrajna.

L-għan ewlieni ta’ dan il-proġett huwa li noffru id għal-għajnuna lil dawn ż-żgħażagħ li għaddejjin minn ħafna f’pajjiżhom. Taħt il-gwida tal-Kumitat Ewropew tar-Reġjuni u l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bliet Ukreni, l-Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex iffinanzja bis-sħiħ 7 t’ijiem ta’ mistrieħ b’forma ta’ kamp tas-sajf. Dan iservi mhux biss biex nagħtu ftit jiem ta’ mistrieħ minn sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli imma nagħtu ukoll għajnuna psikoloġika lil dawn iż-żgħażagħ. Il-programm huwa iddisinjat b’mod li jgħinhom jinsew ftit id-diffikultajiet u trawma tal-ġwerra, kif ukoll joħolmu ftit għal futur aħjar.

L-għan huwa li tgħinhom jiskopru mill-ġdid in-normalità filwaqt li jrawwem sens imġedded ta’ appartenenza fi ħdan il-komunità Ewropea. B’enfasi fuq attivitajiet fil-beraħ, sports, u eżerċizzji ta’ riabilitazzjoni, il-kamp tas-sajf jieħu perspettiva olistika biex itejjeb kemm is-saħħa fiżika kif ukoll mentali tal-parteċipanti.

Minbarra dawn l-attivitajiet, il-kamp jinkludi element eċċitanti ta’ esplorazzjoni hekk kif it-tfal jimbarkaw għal intrapriżi ta’ sightseeing fil-gżira pittoreska ta’ Għawdex. Dan jwitti t-triq għall-iskambju kulturali u ċans għal dawn il-viżitaturi biex joħolqu memorji dejjiema f’ambjent ġdid u mhux familjari.

Il-president tar-reġjun, Dr Samuel Azzopardi ikkummenta: “L-ospitar ta’ dawn iż-żgħażagħ Ukreni huwa xhieda tal-valuri Ewropej li għandna fi ħdan ir-Reġjun Għawdex u r-residenti tiegħu. Aħna qegħdin wara l-poplu Ukren f’dan il-perjodu ta’ ġlied u gwerra fuq art Ewropea. L-impenn tal-kunsilli lokali tagħna f’dan juri l-valuri sodi li jinsabu fil-komunitajiet tagħna.”

F’din l-inizjattiva ħadu sehem 9 Kunsilli Lokali mir-Reġjun Għawdex, li huma: Rabat Città Victoria,  Għajnsielem, Għarb, Għasri, Kerċem, Munxar, Qala, San Lawrenz u Żebbuġ. Barra minn hekk, il-kunsilli provdew ikla jew ikliet liż-żgħażagħ. Kif ukoll dawruhom madwar il-lokalita’ tagħhom u organizzaw attivitajiet divertenti bħal logħob, għawm u anke tours madwar il-gżira. 

Il-Kunsill Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex u l-Kunsilli Lokali Għawdxin jesprimu l-gratitudni mill-qalb lill-Kumitat Ewropew tar-Reġjuni u lill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bliet Ukraini talli għamlu din l-inizjattiva sabiħa possibli. Dan l-isforz kollaborattiv jestendi daqqa t’id lil dawk fil-bżonn u jagħti eżempju tal-potenzjal tas-sħubijiet globali biex iġibu bidla pożittiva.

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