Gozitan Mayors and Vice Mayors sworn-in in ceremony organised by Gozo Regional Council

14 Mayors and 14 Vice-Mayors were sworn into their roles after garnering the highest and second-highest votes from the majority group within the locality.

The ceremony held in the Cittadella Ditch started off by the playing of the Gozo Anthem, written by the Gozitan Poet Ġorġ Pisani and composed by Maestro Joseph Vella, and performed in this occasion by Michela Pace and the Island Brass Quintet.

Dr Samuel Azzopardi, President of the Region gave a speech on the occasion, accentuating the importance of reflecting while serving the citizens. Further on in his speech, the President of the Gozo Region stressed that this Ceremony is also a moment of reflection and commitment, where the local leaders are officially entering into their role, a role that in the end was given to them through the trust of the people, for them to start a journey of beneficial work towards the protection and improvement of the Local Councils of Gozo. He thanked everyone who offered themselves to be at the service of the people, both those who were elected, those who were not elected and also those who retired from the local political scene. He assured them, that the Gozo Regional Council, will continue to give its continuous assistance and support to all Local Councils for a brighter future for our Gozo. After the 14 mayor and 14 vice-mayors were officially sworn in, the ceremony ended with the singing and playing of the Maltese anthem.

Present for the ceremony were the President of Gozo Region Dr. Samuel Azzopardi, the Minister for Gozo and Planning, Hon. Clint Camilleri, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights, Hon. Anton Refalo, the Honorable Gozitan Members of Parliament, the Commissioner of Justice, the Vicar General in the Diocese of Gozo, the Mayors, Vice-Mayors and Councillors and the Executive Secretaries.

Sindki u Viċi-Sindki Għawdxin jieħdu l-ġurament tal- ħatra fi Ċerimonja organizzata mill-Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex

Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 5 ta’ Lulju 2024, il-Kunsill Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex organizza ċ-Ċerimonja tal-Għoti tal-Ġuramenti tas-Sindki u Viċi Sindki tal-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Għawdex
ġewwa d-Ditch taċ-Ċittadella.

Iċ-Cerimonja bdiet bil-kant u d-daqq tal-Innu lil Għawdex, fuq kliem tal-Poeta Għawdxi Ġorġ Pisani u mużika ta’ Maestro Joseph Vella, li ġie interpretat mill-kantanta Michela Pace flimkien ma’ Island Brass Quintet.

Fid-diskors tiegħu tal-okkażjoni, il-President ta’ Reġjun Għawdex, saħaq li ċ-Cerimonja hija mument ukoll ta’ riflessjoni u impenn, fejn il-mexxejja lokali qed jidħlu b’mod uffiċjali fl-irwol tagħhom, l-irwol li fl-aħħar mill-aħħar ingħatalhom permezz tal-fiduċja tal-poplu, sabiex jibdew vjaġġ ta’ ħidma fejjieda lejn il-ħarsien u t-titjib tal-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Għawdex. Huwa irringrazzja lil kull min offra ruħu sabiex ikun għas-servizz tal-poplu, kemm dawk li ġew eletti, lil dawk li ma ġewx eletti u kif ukoll dawk li rtiraw mix-xena politika lokali. Huwa assigura, li l-Kunsill Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex, se jkompli jagħti l-appoġġ u is-sostenn kontinwu tiegħu lill-Kunsilli Lokali kollha għal futur isbaħ għal Għawdex tagħna.

Wara li ġew mogħtija l-ġuramenti lil-14-il Sindku u 14-il Viċi-Sindku, iċ-Ċerimonja intemmet bil-kant u id-daqq tal-Innu Malti. Attendew għal din iċ-Ċerimonja, il-President ta’ Reġjun Għawdex Dr Samuel Azzopardi, il-Ministru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar, l-Onorevoli Clint Camilleri, il-Ministru għall-Agrikoltura, is-Sajd, l-Ikel u d-Drittijiet tal-Annimali, l-Onorevoli Anton Refalo, l-Onorevoli Membri Parlamentari Għawdxin, il-Kummissarju tal-Ġustizzja, il-Vigarju Ġenerali fid-Djoċesi ta' Għawdex, is-Sindki, l-
Viċi-Sindki u l-Kunsilliera u s-Segretarji Eżekuttivi.

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